Resilience: The ESSENTIAL ingredient to a happy life

Resilience, Strength, Personal Growth

Our capacity to be resilient, our capacity to endure struggle and failure and heartbreak, determines the quality of our lives. None of us can create lives we love, none of us can truly live, without experiencing challenges in life. Every single one of us will endure periods of difficulty and despair- be it in love, […]

Stop Waiting For Your Big Break! Use the Progress Principle Instead

productivity, the progress principle

“Is this it? Is this all that there is to life? There has to be more.” These are the thoughts that would drift into my mind as my head hit the pillow after an exhausting day of wake-up, work, tv, sleep. It was usually followed by a lingering thought of “One day. Maybe one day […]

How to Tune Out Negativity

#triggerwarning “I hope you get raped again.”  That was one of the messages I received after speaking publicly about being raped. A year before that message would’ve broken me.  I would’ve either been crying hysterically in tears or arguing angrily with someone who was determined to  hate me.  But that day I just rolled my […]

The Most Important Thing To Remember About Playing Small In Your Life

Picture this: You wake up excited to get out of bed… Excited to get to your work, your family, your friends… excited to get on your yoga mat, excited to go for a short walk, to drink your favorite  tea or coffee. You know that these are all parts of what makes a good life, […]

Self-Care Tip: Spend Time in Nature

outdoors, nature, forest bathing

Stressed, irritable  and burnt out. That’s how I felt those last few days. Not even my usual yoga and meditation practice could do much to improve my mood. I also felt isolated from my boyfriend. Our weekly date had become collateral damage to the other, more-pressing, things in both our lives. The sky was so […]

How to Stop an Anxiety Attack- A One Minute Technique

It was a regular evening. I was sitting in a taxi on my way to an appointment.  The phone in my hand lit up with a new message. Everything slowed down as I read it. My heart started pounding against my chest… as though trying to escape the car before the rest of my body.  […]

The Number One Question I Get Asked as a Meditation Teacher

“Why is it SO hard to meditate?” We all know we should meditate.  Everyone from Oprah to Jay Shetty to Google execs to Wall Street Investors talk about their meditation practice and the benefits of it Even Harvard has a ton of research on it. Harvard.  So meditation is definitely a big deal right now. […]

A Step by Step Process to Discover Your True Purpose

For as long as I can remember I’ve had a background sense of uneasiness in my life. It’s an unnamable frustration that came from knowing I wasn’t doing all I could with my life.  Regardless of changes I’ve made in my career, friends, relationship and even location there was always this infuriating restlessness that told me I […]