Leverage TT is an ed-tech mobile application that will provide support to entrepreneurs by
It combines the accessibility of mobile technology with the proven effectiveness of micro-learning to support MSEs through free and paid online trainings, mentor support and opportunities for financing.
My experience serving over 180 business owners has led to this insight- Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) face similar challenges in areas of financial management, adoption of digital technologies, use of digital marketing capabilities, finding product-market fit, managing their resources and balancing their financial needs with environmental sustainability. These challenges have been compounded by the Covid-19 pandemic, which an IDB study states has negatively impacted 90% of businesses.
After considering these factors and acknowledging that many business owners cannot dedicate months and years to acquire new skills, I realized that a mobile application may be an effective solution to overcoming many challenges faced by entrepreneurs. This recognition aligns with research from the OECD that suggests that the internet, digital platforms, mobile and digital services offer ‘leapfrogging’ opportunities that presents new possibilities for growth (OECD, 2018a).
Leverage TT is in alignment with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, particularly-
Leverage TT aims to support marginalized MSEs like women, youth, creative and migrant entrepreneurs in relevant areas of capacity building so that they can financially empower themselves, their families and their communities.
If you’d like to learn more about or support the development of the Leverage TT platform, please email me at ashleycarontt@gmail.com
©2024 AshleyCaron